RiverWare Qt4 Port Completion
RiverWare Qt4 Port Completion -- Status: January 2010
Author: Phil Weinstein, CADSWES
Status: Ready for review (2).
Edit: 1-9-2010 (b)
- 1-7-2010: Patrick suggested adding mention of porting RplFrame.
See section 1.2.
- 1-8-2010: Added Sections 2.2, 2.3,
and 2.4 enumerating dialogs and the number of their Qt3
widgets ... Added summary count section ... Added note
on the limitations of uic3 to convert Qt3 Designer UI files. It seems that that
limitation doesn't apply to our use of custom slots.
(0) Overview
(1) Major High Level Tasks in the Qt4 Port
(1.1) Converting all "Qt Designer" built UI files
from Qt3 to Qt4.
(1.2) Replacing all uses of Qt3 classes (widgets, etc)
with Qt4 classes.
(1.3) Removing all uses of Qt3-compatibility methods
in Qt4 classes.
(2) Some RiverWare 5.2 Enumerations
(2.1) RiverWare Qt3 and Qt4 Designer UI Files
(2.2) Dialogs in Qt3 Designer UI Files
(2.3) Dialogs in Qt4 Designer UI Files
(2.4) Dialogs defined in C++ code (not UI files).
(2.5) RiverWare uses of Q3Table
(2.6) RiverWare uses of Q3ListView
(2.7) RiverWare uses of QTableView / QTableWidget (Qt4
(2.8) RiverWare uses of QTreeView / QTreeWidget (Qt4 Lists)
(0) Overview
The last few RiverWare releases (5.0, 5.1 and 5.2) have been built with Qt
version 4 (4.3 or 4.4) with use of the "Qt3 Compatibility Library".
Graphical user interface (GUI) modules in RiverWare are now implemented using
a mix of Qt4 widgets and Qt3 widgets (adapted for use with Qt4). To complete
the Qt4 port, we need to recode all uses of Qt3 widgets to use instead Qt4 widgets.
Benefits of completing the Qt4 port include improved user interface capabilities,
performance, and ease of maintenance. Also, it will be important for all Qt3
to be removed from RiverWare before we can move to Qt 5 further down the road.
(Plans for Qt 5 have not been announced. Qt is currently at version 4.6).
The major high-level tasks in the Qt4 port completion are:
- Converting all "Qt Designer" built UI files from Qt3 to Qt4.
- Replacing all uses of Qt3 classes (widgets, etc.) with Qt4 classes.
- Removing all uses of Qt3-compatibility methods in Qt4 classes.
Qt 5? ... There doesn't seem to be any statement
on the Trolltech / Nokia websites about Qt 5. Here is an informal comment
about Qt 5 made by Qt Labs staff 2.5 years ago:
the Qt Labs Blog:
Reply from Andreas on June 06, 2007
We have no plans to release Qt 5; it's not even on the roadmap. What
is on the plan is 4.4 and 4.5, so you can rely on Qt 4 as a stable, yet innovative
Qt platform, as we do both minor and patch releases quite often. I personally
hope we'll do 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and more. If we ever do release Qt
5, it will be nowhere close to as big a change as what Qt 4 was compared to
Qt 3. Now, we don't actually need a Qt 5 release any time soon. There's
so much fantastic stuff we and you can do using Qt 4. I firmly believe we'll
release plenty of minor versions of Qt 4 before we venture into the Qt 5 area.
In fact, all the Widgets On The Canvas work we've done so far is done
using unmodified Qt 4.3.
(1) Major High Level Tasks in the Qt4 Port
(1.1) Converting all "Qt Designer" built UI files
from Qt3 to Qt4.
Qt Designer is a GUI building program supporting the definition
and lay out of widgets for Qt dialogs and other GUI components. Designer maintains
widget layout definitions in "UI" (.ui) files. Qt3
and Qt4 UI files have incompatible formats, and Qt4 Designer cannot directly
read Qt3 Designer UI files. However, Qt4 provides a "uic3"
(UI compiler) tool which has these two capabilities:
- "uic3" can be used as part of the automated "make" process
to generate C++ code from Qt3 UI files (using the Qt3 Compatibility Library).
This is currently done in the RiverWare "make".
- "uic3" can be used to convert Qt3 UI files to Qt4 UI files.
The latter capability of "uic3" will be used to convert RiverWare's
Qt3 UI files to Qt4 UI files. The process is not entirely automatic. [But
see following note]. Hand recoding is required for all custom Qt signal
handlers (Qt "slots") defined within the Qt3 UI file.
Qt4 Designer doesn't support custom Qt slots. Those Qt slots -- and the signal
connections made to them -- need to be written in our C++ code. Also, icons defined
in Qt3 UI files need to be handled differently.
- Note [Phil, 1-8-2010]: I don't believe that Qt4 Designer and related
tools actually have the limitation described above and in the "Porting
.ui Files to Qt 4" document linked below. Our Qt4 UI files DO seem
to have custom Qt slots on the client-container QWidget, and the connections
to those slots are in the Qt4 uic-generated code! ... See,
for example the "slots" and "connections" reprented
in this Qt4 UI, and uic-generated file: DbDmi/DbDmiImpExpDlgBase.ui
and DbDmi/qt/DbDmiImpExpDlgBase.h, e.g. connection to the "fileTextHandler
(const QString&)" custom slot.
[If custom-slots IS actually a problem in Qt4 UI files -- which it doesn't
seem to be -- see prior note] ... a reasonable initial step in the Qt3 to
Qt4 UI file porting process is the removal of all Qt slots (signal handlers)
and signal/slot "connections" from the Qt3 UI files, and recoding them
in the each module's C++ code. Careful testing will be necessary for this step
because "missing connections" will result in the absence of a feature
rather than an observable bug. (Solaris is a preferable platform for this particular
work because run-time Qt signal/slot connection errors are reported to the system
console -- and we don't see those on Windows).
Note that both uses of Qt4 "uic3" generate both Qt3 and Qt4 widgets.
Additional porting described in the next section will be required for most Qt3
to Qt4 translated UI files. That work can make use of Qt4 Designer to replace
the remaining Qt3 widgets with Qt4 widgets. (And of course, supporting C++ code
will also need to be changed to use the new Qt4 widgets).
Read more in this Trolltech document:
Section (2.0) lists all of the Qt3 and Qt4 UI files in RiverWare 5.2.
(1.2) Replacing all uses of Qt3 classes (widgets,
etc) with Qt4 classes.
All uses of the Qt3 Compatibility Library in Qt 4 need to be removed. This
applies to both converted UI files and to our own C++ code. In UI files, this
can be done mostly in Qt4 Designer -- though it is sometimes convenient to (carefully)
directly edit the UI files (which are XML). Conveniently, the names of all Qt3
classes (in the Qt3 Compatibility Library) start with "Q3", e.g. Q3PopupMenu
or Q3ListView.
Major tasks include:
- Porting the Accounting Canvas from Q3Canvas to [Qt4] QGrahpicsView
and QGraphicsScene. This has been done for the Simulation Canvas.
See documents:
- Porting RplFrame (a Q3ScrollView with custom painting) probably
to [Qt4] ScrollArea. RplFrame supports the display and editing
of RPL Expressions. I don't think we seriously need to consider reimplementing
RplFrame using Qt's "managed graphics" capabilities (i.e. the Qt4
"Graphics View" architecture) -- the current application-level implementation
for rendering, selecting, and editing nested expressions works well and is good
- Recoding all uses of Qt3 List and Table widgets. After the prior
two items, these will be the next most complex widgets to port. The "life-cycle"
and state of list and table items need to be dynamically updated generally without causing changes
in the horizontal or vertical scroll positions or other causes of "flicker".
The simpler lists
and tables having a relatively small number of rows and columns can be ported
to the simpler "item-based" widgets: QTreeWidget
(for lists) and QTableWidget. (List applications can be based
on QtUtils/RwQListView, a QTreeWidget. And utilities in RwQt4Utils
will be useful). Lists and Tables which may have a very large number of rows
or columns (e.g. for series data) should be ported to the more-complicated "itemless,
model-based" widgets, generally QTreeView (for lists)
and QTableView. (i.e. "-View" instead of "-Widget").
For lists and tables in UI files, a good approach is having only a "container
widget" in the UI file, and placing the actual list or table widget into
that container in our own C++ code.
- Recoding all uses other Qt3 Compatibility Library classes.
This applies to our own C++ code as well as the widgets originally in Qt3 UI
files not ported automatically by the uic3 tool, notably Q3ButtonGroup, Q3GroupBox,
Q3MainWindow and Q3WidgetStack. (See Qt3 widget lists in sections
2.2 and 2.4).
We've noticed that the tools used to port to
Qt4 with the Qt3 Compatibility Library (in the preparation of RiverWare 5.0)
were overly conservative. For example, generally all Q3PopupMenus created during
that original port can just be changed to (Qt4) QMenu without further modification.
Progress on the subsequent step will be made easier when all Qt3 compatibility
classes (whose names start with "Q3") have been removed from all
C++ header files. But the goal, of course, is to remove references to
those classes in all RiverWare code.
(1.3) Removing all uses of Qt3-compatibility methods
in Qt4 classes.
Many of the Qt4 classes include also "Qt3 support
members" (generally, C++ methods). (See, for example, the Qt4
QMenu class). Many of these are overridden methods, e.g. constructors with
many initialization parameters -- those have generally been removed from Qt4.
Once the prior step of removing all Qt3 classes form RiverWare header
files has been completed, it will be useful to enable or disable availability
of the Qt3 Compatibility Library for individual source files -- instead of having
that library enabled for the entire build. [This is controlled with the QT3_SUPPORT
(2) Some RiverWare 5.2 Enumerations
Summary Counts:
Other Sections Below:
(2.5) RiverWare uses of Q3Table
(2.6) RiverWare uses of Q3ListView
(2.7) RiverWare uses of QTableView / QTableWidget (Qt4
(2.8) RiverWare uses of QTreeView / QTreeWidget (Qt4 Lists)
(2.1) RiverWare Qt3 and Qt4 Designer UI Files
Note [1-6-2010]: Not all of these are used in the RiverWare build. Some of
these modules were ported to Qt4 (w/ Qt3 compatibility support) by dropping the
UI file. Those UI files are currently indicated with a strikeout. (So
far, just four have been found -- but there are probably others).
RiverWare Qt3 Designer UI Files
Count: 91 |
RiverWare Qt4 Designer UI Files
Count: 27 |
3.3 DbDmi/DatasetMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/DbDmiDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/DbDmiEditDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/DbDmiImpExpDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/DssDatasetDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/HdbDatasetDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/HdbMetaDataDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/HdbModelRunIdDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/HdbModelRunIdEditDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/LoginDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/NameMapDlgBase.ui
3.3 DbDmi/NameMapMgrDlgBase.ui |
4.0 DbDmi/DbDmiImpExpConfirm.ui
4.0 DbDmi/DmiInvocationMgr.ui
4.0 DbDmi/ExcelDatasetDlg.ui |
3.3 Q3GUI/AccountGroupDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/AdjustSlotValsDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/AnnualDayIntervalEditBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/AxisDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/CanvasConfigDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/ConfigSlotsDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/CurveDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/DiagImpExpDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/DiagMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/DisplayGroupDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/FileInfoDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/FloatValueEditorBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/GridDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/LinkEditorDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/LinkGroupDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/ListSlotDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/LoadFileConfirmDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/LocatorDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/MarkerDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/MarkerMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/ObjectGroupDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/OpenObjectDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/OutputManagerBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/PeriodTimeSelectorBase.ui
3.1 Q3GUI/PeriodicSlotCfgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/PlotDlgSettingsBase.ui
3.1 Q3GUI/PlotMembershipDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/PlotOpenDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/PlotSaveAsDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/PlotTitleDlgBase.ui
3.0 Q3GUI/PropagateDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/ScenarioMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/ScenarioTabForm.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/SlotListDlgBase.ui
3.1 Q3GUI/SpecifyDimsDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/StatSlotFilterDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/StatTableSlotDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/SupplyGroupDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/TablePlotColsDlgBase.ui
3.3 Q3GUI/WorkspaceBase.ui |
4.0 Q3GUI/AddSlotNotesWidgets.ui
4.0 Q3GUI/FileTypeAssocMgrDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 Q3GUI/GreenBookConfigPanelWidgets.ui
4.0 Q3GUI/NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 Q3GUI/OutputConfigWidgets.ui
4.0 Q3GUI/RplParamDlgWidgets.ui |
3.3 QtAccounting/AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui
3.1 QtAccounting/AutoPassThroughAcctDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtAccounting/ExchangeCfgDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtAccounting/ExchangeMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtAccounting/QtAcctMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtAccounting/QtSplyMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtAccounting/SupplyEditorBase.ui |
4.0 QtAccounting/DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui |
3.3 QtDmi/DmiEditorDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtDmi/DmiHandlerDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtDmi/DmiMgrDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtDmi/DmiParamDlgBase.ui
3.1 QtDmi/ListCellDlgBase.ui
3.1 QtDmi/MinMaxCellDlgBase.ui
3.1 QtDmi/RadioBtnDlgBase.ui |
3.3 QtRpl/RplAnalysisDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplArgEditDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplImportDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplLayoutDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplPaletteDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplPrintDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplSearchDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRpl/RplSearchReplaceDlgBase.ui |
4.0 QtRpl/RplBlockDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplDebuggerDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplDocConfigDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplDocConfigPanelWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplFunctionDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplGroupDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtRpl/RplSetDlgWidgets.ui |
3.3 QtRun/MultiRunControlDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/MultiRunEditDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/OptParamDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/OptParamSubDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/ResumeRunDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/RunControlDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/RunStatusDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/RunSyncDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/SimParamDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtRun/movebuttonpanel.ui |
3.1 QtSCT/SctColorDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtSCT/SctConfigDlgBase.ui
3.3 QtSCT/SctFindSlotDialogBase.ui
3.1 QtSCT/SctLabelFnDlgBase.ui
3.1 QtSCT/SctTimestepAggCfgDlgBase.ui |
4.0 QtSCT/SctClipboardExportDlgWidgets.ui |
3.3 QtUtils/MessageListBoxBase.ui
3.3 QtUtils/SyncHeaderTestBase.ui |
4.0 QtUtils/BgImageConfigPanelWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/ClipboardImportDlgWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/CloseAllDialogsWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/DescriptDisplayWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/FindSlotsWithInputsWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/GeoRefCoordEditorWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/ModelPeriodInfoPanelWidgets.ui
4.0 QtUtils/ReportGenDlgWidgets.ui (mockup)
4.0 QtUtils/SlotIdPanelWidgets.ui |
(2.2) Dialogs in Qt3 Designer UI Files
Q3 Widget |
Count |
1 |
Q3ButtonGroup |
45 |
2 |
Q3DateTimeEdit |
5 |
3 |
Q3Frame |
44 |
4 |
Q3GroupBox |
90 |
5 |
Q3ListBox |
3 |
6 |
Q3ListView |
36 |
7 |
Q3ProgressBar |
2 |
8 |
Q3TextEdit |
8 |
9 |
Q3ToolBar |
12 |
10 |
Q3WidgetStack |
3 |
total: |
248 |
The table below enumerates the 91 RiverWare dialogs defined in Qt3 Designer
UI files.
When translated with the Qt4 (version 4.4.3) uic3 tool,
the generated C++ code contains 10 Qt3 Compatibility widget classes
(whose names start with "Q3").
The table to the left shows the numbers of all of those Qt3 widgets in the
C++ code generated from all 91 dialog Qt3 Designer UI files.
Note that, in certain cases, additional widgets are introduced into these
dialogs in the C++ integration code. Those are generally Qt4 widgets, but
some are still Qt3. In some cases, the UI file provides a container widget
into which a complicated widget is placed, e.g. a QTreeWidget or subclass
instance. |
Note: [Q3] column = number of Q3 widgets, after translation with Qt 4.4 uic3.
The counts don't include the dialog box itself (in the case of dialog boxes derived
from Q3MainWindow).
Eight (8) orange rows are for UI files which are not part of the build.
Qt3 Dialog UI Source File |
Q3 |
Class Name |
Dialog Type |
DbDmi |
DatasetMgrDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class DatasetMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
DbDmiDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class DbDmiDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
DbDmiEditDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class DbDmiEditDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
DbDmiImpExpDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class DbDmiImpExpDlg |
: QDialog |
DssDatasetDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class DssDatasetDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
HdbDatasetDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class HdbDatasetDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
HdbMetaDataDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class HdbMetaDataDlgBase |
: QDialog |
HdbModelRunIdDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class HdbModelRunIdDlgBase |
: QDialog |
HdbModelRunIdEditDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class HdbModelRunIdEditDlgBase |
: QDialog |
LoginDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class LoginDlgBase |
: QDialog |
NameMapDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class NameMapDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
NameMapMgrDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class NameMapMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
AccountGroupDlgBase.ui: |
5 |
class AccountGroupDlgBase |
: QDialog |
AdjustSlotValsDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class AdjustSlotValsDlg |
: QDialog |
AnnualDayIntervalEditBase.ui: |
0 |
class AnnualDayIntervalEditBase |
: QDialog |
AxisDlgBase.ui: |
8 |
class AxisDlgBase |
: QDialog |
CanvasConfigDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class CanvasConfigDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ConfigSlotsDlgBase.ui: |
7 |
class ConfigSlotsDlgBase |
: QDialog |
CurveDlgBase.ui: |
7 |
class CurveDlgBase |
: QDialog |
DiagImpExpDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class DiagImpExpDlgBase |
: QDialog |
DiagMgrDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class DiagMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
DisplayGroupDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class DisplayGroupDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
FileInfoDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class FileInfoDlgBase |
: QDialog |
FloatValueEditorBase.ui: |
0 |
class FloatValueEditorBase |
: QDialog |
GridDlgBase.ui: |
12 |
class GridDlgBase |
: QDialog |
LinkEditorDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class LinkEditorDlgBase |
: QDialog |
LinkGroupDlgBase.ui: |
6 |
class LinkGroupDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ListSlotDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class ListSlotDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
LoadFileConfirmDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class LoadFileConfirmDlgBase |
: QDialog |
LocatorDlgBase.ui: |
class LocatorDlgBase |
: QDialog |
MarkerDlgBase.ui: |
8 |
class MarkerDlgBase |
: QDialog |
MarkerMgrDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class MarkerMgrDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ObjectGroupDlgBase.ui: |
5 |
class ObjectGroupDlgBase |
: QDialog |
OpenObjectDlgBase.ui: |
class OpenObjectDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
OutputManagerBase.ui: |
2 |
class OutputManagerBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
PeriodTimeSelectorBase.ui: |
4 |
class PeriodTimeSelectorBase |
: QDialog |
PeriodicSlotCfgBase.ui: |
5 |
class PeriodicSlotCfgBase |
: QDialog |
PlotDlgSettingsBase.ui: |
5 |
class PlotDlgSettingsBase |
: QDialog |
PlotMembershipDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class PlotMembershipDlgBase |
: QDialog |
PlotOpenDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class PlotOpenDlgBase |
: QDialog |
PlotSaveAsDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class PlotSaveAsDlgBase |
: QDialog |
PlotTitleDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class PlotTitleDlgBase |
: QDialog |
PropagateDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class PropagateDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ScenarioMgrDlgBase.ui: |
6 |
class ScenarioMgrBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
ScenarioTabForm.ui: |
class ScenarioTabForm |
: QWidget |
SlotListDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class SlotListDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
SpecifyDimsDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class SpecifyDimsDlgBase |
: QDialog |
StatSlotFilterDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class StatSlotFilterDlgBase |
: QDialog |
StatTableSlotDlgBase.ui: |
class StatTableSlotDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
SupplyGroupDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class SupplyGroupDlgBase |
: QDialog |
TablePlotColsDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class TablePlotColsDlgBase |
: QDialog |
WorkspaceBase.ui: |
class WorkspaceBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtAccounting |
AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui: |
7 |
class AccountingSystemConfigBase |
: QDialog |
AutoPassThroughAcctDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class AutoPassThroughAcctDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ExchangeCfgDlgBase.ui: |
5 |
class ExchangeCfgDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
ExchangeMgrDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class ExchangeMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtAcctMgrDlgBase.ui: |
8 |
class QtAcctMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtSplyMgrDlgBase.ui: |
8 |
class QtSplyMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtSplyMgrDlgBase_new.ui: |
class QtSplyMgrDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
SupplyEditorBase.ui: |
4 |
class SupplyEditorBase |
: QDialog |
QtDmi |
DmiEditorDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class DmiEditorDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
DmiHandlerDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class DmiHandlerDlgBase |
: QDialog |
DmiMgrDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class DmiMgrDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
DmiParamDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class DmiParamDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
ListCellDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class ListCellDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
MinMaxCellDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class MinMaxCellDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
RadioBtnDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class RadioBtnDlgBase |
: QDialog |
QtRpl |
RplAnalysisDlgBase.ui: |
5 |
class RplAnalysisDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
RplArgEditDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class RplArgEditDlgBase |
: QDialog |
RplImportDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class RplImportDlgBase |
: QDialog |
RplLayoutDlgBase.ui: |
11 |
class RplLayoutDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
RplPaletteDlgBase.ui: |
14 |
class RplPaletteDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
RplPrintDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class RplPrintDlgBase |
: QDialog |
RplSearchDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class RplSearchDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
RplSearchReplaceDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class RplSearchReplaceDlgBase |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtRun |
MultiRunControlDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class MultiRunControlDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
MultiRunEditDlgBase.ui: |
11 |
class MultiRunEditDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
OptParamDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class QtOptParamDlg |
: QDialog |
OptParamSubDlgBase.ui: |
3 |
class OptParamSubDlgBase |
: QDialog |
ResumeRunDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class QtResumeRunDlg |
: QDialog |
RunControlDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class RunControlDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
RunStatusDlgBase.ui: |
4 |
class RunStatusDlg |
: QDialog |
RunSyncDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class RunSyncDlg |
: QDialog |
SimParamDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class QtSimParamDlg |
: QDialog |
SctColorDlgBase.ui: |
class SctColorDlgBase |
: QDialog |
SctConfigDlgBase.ui: |
2 |
class SctConfigDlgBase |
: QDialog |
SctFindSlotDialogBase.ui: |
1 |
class SctFindSlotDialogBase |
: QDialog |
SctLabelFnDlgBase.ui: |
1 |
class SctLabelFnDlgBase |
: QDialog |
SctTimestepAggCfgDlgBase.ui: |
0 |
class SctTimestepAggCfgDlgBase |
: QDialog |
QtUtils |
MessageListBoxBase.ui: |
1 |
class MessageListBoxBase |
: QDialog |
SyncHeaderTestBase.ui: |
class SyncHeaderTestBase |
: QDialog |
(2.3) Dialogs in Qt4 Designer UI Files
This section shows two tables:
- Dialogs defined in Qt4 Designer UI Files
- Other widgets defined in Qt4 Designer UI Files
With the exception of one anomaly which will be addressed, these dialogs and
other widgets don't contain Qt3 widgets. (They contain only Qt4 widgets).
Qt4 Dialog UI Source File |
Class Name |
Dialog Type |
DbDmi |
DbDmiImpExpConfirm.ui |
class DbDmiImpExpConfirm |
: QDialog |
DmiInvocationMgr.ui |
class DmiInvocationMgr |
: QMainWindow |
ExcelDatasetDlg.ui |
class ExcelDatasetDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
AddSlotNotesWidgets.ui |
class AddSlotNotesWidgets |
: QDialog |
FileTypeAssocMgrDlgWidgets.ui |
class FileTypeAssocMgrDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets.ui |
class NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
OutputConfigWidgets.ui |
class OutputConfigWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplParamDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplParamDlgWidgets |
: QDialog |
QtAccounting |
DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui |
class DataObjExchBuilderWidgets |
: QDialog |
QtRpl |
RplBlockDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplBlockDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplDebuggerDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplDebuggerDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplDocConfigDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplDocConfigDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplFunctionDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplFunctionDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplGroupDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplGroupDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
RplSetDlgWidgets.ui |
class RplSetDlgWidgets |
: QMainWindow |
SctClipboardExportDlgWidgets.ui |
class SctClipboardExportDlgWidgets |
: QDialog |
QtUtils |
FindSlotsWithInputsWidgets.ui |
class FindSlotsWithInputsWidgets |
: QDialog |
ReportGenDlgWidgets.ui |
class RiverWareModelSummaryDlgWidgets |
: Q3MainWindow |
The following table lists QWidgets defined in Qt4 Designer UI files other than
dialogs. These are either "panels" used within possibly-multiple dialogs
or the majority of the widget content of a single dialog. In the latter
case, the distinction of these not being "dialogs" is not very significant
-- that is, they are essentially "dialogs".
Qt4 Dialog UI Source File |
Class Name |
Widget Type |
GreenBookConfigPanelWidgets.ui |
class GreenBookConfigPanelWidgets |
: QWidget |
QtRpl |
RplDocConfigPanelWidgets.ui |
class RplDocConfigPanelWidgets |
: QFrame |
QtUtils |
BgImageConfigPanelWidgets.ui |
class BgImageConfigPanelWidgets |
: QFrame |
ClipboardImportDlgWidgets.ui |
class ClipboardImportDlgWidgets |
: QWidget |
CloseAllDialogsWidgets.ui |
class CloseAllDialogsWidgets |
: QWidget |
DescriptDisplayWidgets.ui |
class DescriptDisplayWidgets |
: QWidget |
GeoRefCoordEditorWidgets.ui |
class GeoRefCoordEditorWidgets |
: QFrame |
ModelPeriodInfoPanelWidgets.ui |
class ModelPeriodInfoPanelWidgets |
: QWidget |
SlotIdPanelWidgets.ui |
class SlotIdPanelWidgets |
: QWidget |
(2.4) Dialogs defined in C++ code (not UI files).
Q3 Widget |
Count |
1 |
Q3ActionGroup |
6 |
2 |
Q3ButtonGroup |
5 |
3 |
Q3CheckListItem |
1 |
4 |
Q3Frame |
85 |
5 |
Q3Grid |
1 |
6 |
Q3GridLayout |
22 |
7 |
Q3GroupBox |
5 |
8 |
Q3HBoxLayout |
80 |
9 |
Q3ListBox |
1 |
10 |
Q3ListView |
11 |
11 |
Q3ListViewItem |
1 |
12 |
Q3PopupMenu |
38 |
13 |
Q3TextEdit |
1 |
14 |
Q3VBox |
1 |
15 |
Q3VBoxLayout |
74 |
16 |
Q3ValueList<> |
1 |
17 |
Q3WidgetStack |
4 |
total: |
337 |
The table below enumerates the 68 RiverWare dialogs defined in C++ files
(rather than in UI files).
Our dialogs implemented directly in C++ contain 17 Qt3 Compatibility
widget classes (whose names start with "Q3").
The table to the left shows the numbers of all of those Qt3 widgets in the
68 dialog C++ files. For expediency, these counts to not include subclasses
of Qt3 widgets -- which is significant in terms of complexity in the cases
of Q3Table and Q3ListView. See also the enumerations of those occurances in
these two sections:
(2.5) RiverWare uses of Q3Table
(2.6) RiverWare uses of Q3ListView
Note: [Q3] column = number of Q3 widgets, after translation with Qt 4.4 uic3.
The counts don't include the dialog box itself (in the case of dialog boxes derived
from Q3MainWindow).
Qt3 Dialog C++ (header) File |
Q3 |
Class Name |
Dialog Type |
DbDmi |
DatasetSelectorDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class DatasetSelectorDlg |
: QDialog |
DbDmiImpExpConfirmDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class DbDmiImpExpConfirmDlg |
: QDialog |
DmiInvocationMgrDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class DmiInvocationMgrDlg |
: QMainWindow |
ExcelDatasetDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class ExcelDatasetDlg |
: QMainWindow |
AboutDlg.hpp: |
1 |
class AboutDlg |
: QDialog |
AddSlotNotesDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class AddSlotNotesDlg |
: QDialog |
AnnoGroupEditor.hpp: |
12 |
class AnnoGroupEditor |
: Q3MainWindow |
AnnoGroupMgrDlg.hpp: |
9 |
class AnnoGroupMgrDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
BaseQ3MainWin.hpp: |
0 |
class BaseQ3MainWin |
: Q3MainWindow |
BaseQtDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class BaseQtDlg |
: QDialog |
BaseQtMainWin.hpp: |
0 |
class BaseQtMainWin |
: QMainWindow |
ColorChooser.hpp: |
9 |
class ColorChooser |
: QDialog |
DiagCfgDlg.hpp: |
3 |
class DiagCfgDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
DiagOutputColorLegend.hpp: |
1 |
class DiagOutputColorLegend |
: QDialog |
DiagOutputQMainWindow.hpp: |
0 |
class DiagOutputQMainWindow |
: Q3MainWindow |
FileTypeAssocMgrDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class FileTypeAssocMgrDlg |
: QMainWindow |
GreenBookConfigDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class GreenBookConfigDlg |
: QMainWindow |
GusDialog.hpp: |
10 |
class GusDialog |
: QDialog |
ListSlotDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class ListSlotBaseDlg |
: BaseQ3MainWin |
LocatorDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class LocatorDlg |
: QMainWindow |
MultiObjMethSelConfirmDlg.hpp: |
11 |
class MultiObjMethSelConfirmDlg |
: QDialog |
MultiObjMethSelector.hpp: |
16 |
class MultiObjMethSelector |
: Q3MainWindow |
NoteEditDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class NoteEditDlg |
: QDialog |
NoteEditDlgNew.hpp: |
0 |
class NoteEditDlg |
: QDialog |
NoteGroupEditDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class NoteGroupEditDlg |
: QDialog |
NoteGroupMgrDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class NoteGroupMgrDlg |
: QMainWindow |
OpenObjectDlg.hpp: |
11 |
class OpenObjectDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
OutputConfig.hpp: |
1 |
class OutputConfig |
: QMainWindow |
PlotDialog.hpp: |
5 |
class PlotDialog |
: BaseQtMainWin |
RplParamDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class RplParamDlg |
: QDialog |
RwNoticeBox.hpp: |
7 |
class RwNoticeBox |
: QDialog |
ScalarSlotDlg.hpp: |
7 |
class ScalarSlotDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
ScenarioMgrDlg.hpp: |
5 |
class ScenarioMgrDlg |
: BaseQ3MainWin |
SimObjPaletteDlg.hpp: |
2 |
class SimObjPaletteDlg |
: QDialog |
SlotQtDlg.hpp: |
29 |
class SlotQtDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
SnapshotMgrDlg.hpp: |
23 |
class SnapshotMgrDlg |
: Q3MainWindow GusListener |
StatTableSlotDlg.hpp: |
8 |
class StatTableSlotDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
SubbasinMgrDlg.hpp: |
18 |
class SubbasinMgrDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
UnitConvertDlg.hpp: |
18 |
class UnitConvertDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
Workspace.hpp: |
2 |
class Workspace |
: BaseQtMainWin |
QtAccounting |
AcctCellColorLegend.hpp: |
2 |
class AcctCellColorLegend |
: QDialog |
AcctSubordinationViewerDlg.hpp: |
11 |
class AcctSubordinationViewerDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
DataObjExchBuilderDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class DataObjExchBuilderDlg |
: QDialog |
ObjAcctSumSaveDlg.hpp: |
9 |
class ObjAcctSumSaveDlg |
: QDialog |
OpenAccountDlg.hpp: |
23 |
class OpenAccountDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
QtDmi |
DmiMgrDlg.hpp: |
3 |
class DmiMgrDlg::ProgressDialog |
: QDialog |
QtRpl |
RplBaseDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class RplBaseDlg |
: BaseQtMainWin |
RplBlockSelectorDlg.hpp: |
5 |
class RplBlockSelectorDlg |
: QDialog |
RplCommentDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class RplCommentDlg |
: QDialog |
RplDebuggerDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class RplDebuggerDlg |
: QMainWindow |
RplDocConfigDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class RplDocConfigDlg |
: QMainWindow |
QtRun |
DmiSelectorDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class DmiSelectorDlg |
: QDialog |
QtDispatchDetailDlg.hpp: |
2 |
class QtDispatchDetailDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
QtRunAnalysisDlg.hpp: |
43 |
class QtRunAnalysisDlg |
: Q3MainWindow |
RunAnalRulesGridCellLegend.hpp: |
10 |
class RunAnalRulesGridCellLegend |
: QDialog |
RunAnalSimGridCellLegend.hpp: |
9 |
class RunAnalSimGridCellLegend |
: QDialog |
SyncControlDlg.hpp: |
5 |
class SyncControlDlg |
: QDialog |
SctClipboardExportDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class SctClipboardExportDlg |
: QDialog |
SctDialog.hpp: |
2 |
class SctDialog |
: BaseQtMainWin |
QtUtils |
BgImageConfigDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class BgImageConfigDlg |
: QDialog |
ClipboardImportDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class ClipboardImportDlg |
: QDialog |
CloseAllDialogsDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class CloseAllDialogsDlg |
: QDialog |
DlgGeometryMgr.hpp: |
0 |
class DlgGeomMgrTestWindow |
: QMainWindow |
FindSlotsWithInputsDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class FindSlotsWithInputsDlg |
: QDialog |
GeoRefCoordEditorDlg.hpp: |
0 |
class GeoRefCoordEditorDlg |
: QMainWindow |
SaveModelConfirmDlg.hpp: |
5 |
class SaveModelConfirmDlg |
: QDialog |
Total Q3 Widgets: |
337 |
(2.5) RiverWare uses of Q3Table
There are far fewer Q3Tables in RiverWare than Q3ListViews (see next section).
See the tables below.
The Q3Tables for the Open Slot Dialogs (for Series and Table Slots)
and for the SCT have a common base class (SlotDataQTable),
and are quite complicated. These should be ported to the model-based QTableView
(not QTableWidget) with a QAbstractTableModel subclass (to support
an item-less implementation) and QItemDelegate (to support custom
cell drawing). See our implementation for the Qt4 Run Analysis Dialog "grid"
table classes: RunAnalGridQTableView, RunAnalGridQItemDelegate,
and RunAnalGridQTableModel.
Q3Table Subclasses:
Q3GUI: |
StatTableSlotDlg.hpp |
: StatTableSlotDlg::SlotTable |
: Q3Table (with items) |
SlotDataQTable.hpp |
: SlotDataQTable |
: Q3Table (itemless) |
SlotQDlgTable.hpp |
: SlotQDlgTable |
: SlotDataQTable |
SctQTable.hpp |
: SctQTable |
: SlotDataQTable |
Q3Table Direct Instances:
Q3GUI: |
RowColLabelEditor.hpp: |
Q3Table* _labelTable; |
(2.6) RiverWare uses of Q3ListView
See the two tables in this section: (1) Q3ListView Subclasses,
and (2) Q3ListView Direct Instances. Generally, each of the
subclasses have only one or two clients, with one or two instances each, so both
of these types of items (subclasses and direct instances) have about the same
level of complexity in porting. Those that implement flat lists (not multiple-level
treeviews), and which have a relatively small number of items (e.g. not rows
for series timesteps) can be replaced with either of these two widgets:
- Our new general Qt4 list widget: RwQListView (a Qt4 QTreeWidget) -- used by either
subclassing or instantiating.
- For Slots, our new SlotListPanel, containing an RwQListView instance.
Also, our general Qt4 widget utilities module may be useful: RwQt4Utils.
Q3ListView Subclasses:
Q3GUI: |
AcctOrderListView.hpp |
: AcctOrderListView |
: Q3ListView |
DiagOutputListView.hpp |
: DiagOutputListView |
: Q3ListView |
DisplayGroupListView.hpp |
: DisplayGroupListView |
: Q3ListView |
DragDropSimListView.hpp |
: DragDropSimListView |
: Q3ListView |
GusListView.hpp |
: GusListView |
: Q3ListView |
SlotQListView.hpp |
: SlotQListView |
: Q3ListView |
SnapMgrObjListView.hpp |
: SnapMgrObjListView |
: Q3ListView |
SnapMgrSlotListView.hpp |
: SnapMgrSlotListView |
: Q3ListView |
SubbasinMgrListView.hpp |
: SubbasinMgrListView |
: Q3ListView |
TimeStepSelListView.hpp |
: TimeStepSelListView |
: Q3ListView |
WorkspaceListView.hpp |
: WorkspaceListView |
: Q3ListView |
QtAccounting: |
AcctSubordListView.hpp |
: AcctSubordListView |
: Q3ListView |
ExchBalanceKeyListView.hpp |
: ExchBalanceKeyListView |
: Q3ListView |
UnitsListView.hpp |
: UnitsListView |
: Q3ListView |
QtRpl: |
RplListView.hpp |
: RplListView |
: Q3ListView |
QtRun: |
DispatchInfoListView.hpp |
: DispatchInfoListView |
: Q3ListView |
DmiListView.hpp |
: DmiListView |
: Q3ListView |
QtMultiRunEditDlg.hpp |
: QtMultiRunEditDlg::IterListView |
: Q3ListView |
RulesEffectsListView.hpp |
: RulesEffectsListView |
: Q3ListView |
QtUtils: |
GenListView.hpp |
: GenListView |
: Q3ListView |
Q3ListView Direct Instances:
DbDmi: |
DbDmiMgr.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
DatasetMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _datasetListView; |
DbDmiImpExpDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _objListview; |
HdbMetaDataDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _metaDataListView; |
HdbModelRunIdDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _mridListView; |
NameMapMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _nameMapListView; |
Q3GUI: |
AnnoGroupEditor.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _annoItemListView; |
AnnoGroupEditor.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _slotListView; |
AnnoGroupMgrDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _groupListView; |
DiagCfgDlg.Panel.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _catListView; |
OpenObjectDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _methodsListView; |
OpenObjectDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _accountsListView; |
RestoreListState.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _listView; |
ScenarioMgrDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _slotList; |
ConfigSlotsDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _slotSelectListView; |
FileInfoDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _saveList; |
LinkEditorDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _srcListView; |
LinkEditorDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _destListView; |
MarkerMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listView; |
PlotMembershipDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listView; |
PropagateDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
SlotListDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _slotListView; |
QtAccounting: |
OpenAccountDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _methodsListView; |
OpenAccountDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _supplyListView; |
OpenAccountDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _demandListView; |
AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _waterOwnerList; |
AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _waterTypeList; |
AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _releaseTypeList; |
AccountingSystemConfigBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _destinationTypeList; |
ExchangeCfgDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _paySourceListView; |
ExchangeCfgDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _exchangeListView; |
QtAcctMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _accountsListView; |
QtSplyMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _suppliesListView; |
QtDmi: |
DmiEditorDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
DmiHandlerDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _msgListView; |
DmiMgrDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
DmiParamDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
ListCellDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _listview; |
QtRpl: |
RplBlockSelectorDlg.hpp: |
Q3ListView* _setListView; |
RplAnalysisDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _groupsListView; |
RplAnalysisDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _descListView; |
RplAnalysisDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _ascListView; |
RplImportDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _importListView; |
RplLayoutDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _breaksListView; |
RplPaletteDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _userDefinedListView; |
RplPaletteDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _predefinedListView; |
RplSearchReplaceDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _searchResultsListView; |
QtRun: |
MultiRunControlDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _configListView; |
OptParamSubDlgBase.ui: |
Q3ListView* _paramListView; |
(2.7) RiverWare uses of QTableView / QTableWidget (Qt4
The following tables list the Qt4 QTableViews and QTableWidgets currently implemented
in RiverWare (5.2).
QTableView / QTableWidget Subclasses (Qt4 Tables):
QtRun: |
RunAnalGridQTableView.hpp |
: RunAnalGridQTableView |
: QTableView (itemless) |
QTableView / QTableWidget Direct Instances (Qt4 Tables):
DbDmi: |
DbDmiImpExpConfirm.ui: |
QTableWidget* _objTable; |
QtUtils: |
ClipboardImportDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTableWidget* _clipboardDataTable; |
QtRun: |
DistribPanel.hpp: |
QTableWidget* _hostTable; |
DistribPanel.hpp: |
QTableWidget* _envTable; |
(2.8) RiverWare uses of QTreeView / QTreeWidget (Qt4
The following tables list the Qt4 QTreeViews and QTreeWidgets currently implemented
in RiverWare (5.2).
QTreeView / QTreeWidget Subclasses (Qt4 Lists):
Q3GUI: |
FileTypeAssocTreeWidget.hpp |
: FileTypeAssocTreeWidget |
: QTreeWidget |
GreenBookConfigPanel.hpp |
: GreenBookConfigPanel::SlotTree |
: QTreeWidget |
PlotPageSelPanel.hpp |
: PlotPageSelTreeView |
: QTreeWidget |
QtRpl: |
RplObjView.hpp |
: RplObjView |
: QTreeView (itemless) |
QtUtils: |
GeoRefCoordEditorDlg.hpp |
: GeoRefCoordEditorPanel::TreeWidget |
: QTreeWidget |
RwQListView.hpp |
: RwQListView |
: QTreeWidget |
QTreeView / QTreeWidget Direct Instances (Qt4 Lists):
DbDmi: |
DatasetSelectorDlg.hpp: |
QTreeWidget* _treeWidget; |
DmiInvocationMgr.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _treeWidget; |
Q3GUI: |
ListSlotDlg.hpp: |
QTreeWidget* _listBox; |
OutputManager.hpp: |
QTreeWidget* _outputDeviceList; |
AddSlotNotesWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _slotTreeWidget; |
NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _groupTreeWidget; |
NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _noteTreeWidget; |
NoteGroupMgrDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _slotTreeWidget; |
OutputConfigWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _listSnapshots; |
QtAccounting: |
DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _borrowList; |
DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _paybackList; |
QtRpl: |
RplDebuggerDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _callStackTreeWidget; |
RplDebuggerDlgWidgets.ui: |
QTreeWidget* _breakpointsTreeWidget; |
--- (end) ---